“I found a fruitful world, because my ancestors planted it for me. Likewise, I am planting for future generations.”
-Talmud, Taanit 23a

Your commitment to the Jewish community is evident in everything you do. Now you can extend your commitment into the future. For your family. For your community. For Israel. For the Jewish people. A planned gift to your Jewish community enables you to be present forever. Whether your gift is used to aid the poor and impoverished, to assist the elderly, to provide a Jewish education and connection opportunities for the young, to rescue Jews in need around the world or to fight anti-Semitism -- no matter where or when in the future, you can be there to help.
Your gift will keep our Jewish community strong for generations. It’s an expression of your trust in future community leaders. A way for you to be there whenever help is needed. It’s your sacred covenant with the Jewish people. It’s a way to share your values with your children and your children’s children.
Consider one of the following options as a way to make a legacy for future generations.
Join our Life & Legacy Society

Life & Legacy is a partnership of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF), the Jewish Federations of North America, and local Jewish organizations including the Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley, Sinai Synagogue, South Bend Hebrew Day School, and Temple Beth-El. Life & Legacy promotes after-lifetime giving to benefit our local synagogues, social service organizations, Jewish schools, and other Jewish entities. Through training, support and monetary incentives, Life & Legacy motivates Jewish organizations to integrate legacy giving into their philanthropic culture to assure Jewish tomorrows.
Your legacy gift will ensure that what you value, the Michiana Jewish Community, will live on. We are not requesting a cash donation today, but a promise for the future. Please know that a signed Letter of Intent is just that, your intent. The “intent” is for you, the donor, to work on an estate plan that includes all your Jewish interests. Each agency you list will receive credit toward their quota of 18 letters of intent. Your letter of intent is 100% revocable and editable throughout your life.
Local Jewish agencies participating in the Life & Legacy Program include:
*If you do not see your synagogue or Jewish charity listed, we encourage you to contact them directly to discuss their options for legacy giving.
Designate an Endowment Fund
A designated endowment fund is a permanent fund at the federation which creates a permanent legacy perpetuating your ideals and your name or that of a loved one. At its creation, you may designate how you wish the annual fund distributions used. It’s easy to set up and goes to a cause or program that you are passionate about, or set up a PACE (Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment) which will support the entire federation and it’s mission. To see a list of existing funds please click here.
Set up a Donor Advised Fund Program
A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a charitable gift account that you establish at the Jewish Federation to help you manage and simplify your charitable giving. Our DAF is structured and administered to service the needs of all philanthropists. We also offer exceptional investment management and ease of administration for those individuals seeking to simplify the management of their philanthropy.