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The New Jewish Canon

Join us on March 7 at  1:00 PM as Dr. Claire Sufrin discusses the New Jewish Canon. This talk will look at what we have learned about the Jewish community, particularly in America, when we examine the most important Jewish ideas of the last 40 years. Touching on a broad subject matter we will take a look at larger public events that have affected the state of Israel, larger social movements, the effects of the Internet and its role in creating our wildly diverse Jewish community.

The March 7 discussion will focus on four ideas: 

  1. Jewish Politics and the Public Square
  2. History, Memory, and Narrative
  3. Religion and Religiosity
  4. Identities and Communities

This is a rich col­lec­tion that pro­vides a
win­dow into many of the key debates that have raged, and still rage, in the Jew­ish world. It rais­es many provoca­tive ques­tions about the nature of con­tem­po­rary Judaism and its future.

— Martin Green, Jewish Book Council


Visions & Voices

Vision & Voices begins a conversation about the hopes, dreams and desires we have for our Jewish community. Join the conversation with these extraordinary community builders from around the globe at this all-day virtual event.

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