Calligraphy Workshop with Judith Joseph

You need not have good handwriting to be a successful calligrapher! Artist Judith Joseph will introduce you to the fine art of calligraphy, or beautiful lettering. You will learn to use a wedge-shaped pen to create the broad and narrow strokes that give calligraphic letters their rhythm and grace. In addition to writing in English, Judith will teach you how to write “Pesach” and “Seder” in Hebrew.
Joseph, a Northbrook, Illinois artist and painting instructor, specializes in the Ketubah (Hebrew marriage contract), and is the recipient of two Illinois Arts Council Fellowship Awards for her work in this genre. See her work at:
Workshop Date: Sunday, March 26
Time: 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM (1.5 hours)
Registration required – due date: Monday, March 20
Workshop kit components:
Calligraphy workshop description
Program Flyer for Spring Art Exhibit
Calligraphy pen
A link for buying the markers online at Dick Blick: Itoya Double-Headed Calligraphy Marker, Black
Ruled Sheet
10 sheets of copy printer pager
Print out of 3 documents in chancery-cursive file
Print out of Hebrew calligraphy file
Workshop Kits Assembled on Wednesday, March 22 and mailed to out-of-towners. Local participants can pick up their kits in-person at the Jewish Federation starting Wednesday afternoon, March 22.