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Yom HaShoah Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony & Remember: The Story of Abe Price

Thursday, April 24, 2025
7:00 pm9:00 pm

Join us for our annual Yom HaShoah Holocaust Remembrance ceremony and Gulfshore Playhouse’s production of Remember: The Story of Abe Price, retelling the amazing story of Abe Price, a survivor of the Holocaust and former resident of South Bend.

This event is made possible thanks to the generosity of the Okon Family Fund for Holocaust Education, the Kurt & Tessye Simon Fund for Holocaust Remembrance, the Schurz Foundation, & South Bend Civic Theatre.

Sid Price, the son of Abe wrote:

“My brother Herb and I are very excited to be bringing the play Remember: The Story of Abe Price to South Bend.

My father survived the holocaust and escaped from 5 different camps. He lived in South Bend from 1952-1983. Then he moved to Naples, Florida. He spoke about the Holocaust to students at high schools and middle schools and colleges. He wrote books about the holocaust and made a YouTube video. This resulted in the beginning of the Naples Holocaust Museum in 1998.

Four years ago, the Naples Playhouse wanted to do a play about the holocaust and asked the Museum for stories about survivors. They looked at a dozen stories and chose my father’s. They have presented the play at many different locations in Florida and Ohio. His story is very dramatic and impactful and is a great way to educate the next generation.

My father passed away when he was 91 in 2014. My brother Harry is in California and can’t attend but he says hello to all his friends here. Herb and I will answer questions after the 3 shows in South Bend.”

Given the expected high demand for tickets, we ask that you please register in advance.

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