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The office of the Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley will be closed Thursday, Oct. 24 and Friday, Oct. 25 for Shmini Atzeret & Simchat Torah.

2021 May OCN

Minute With Moshe

In my first year of listening, community members have described the current situation of the Federation in many ways. One way I’ve come to explain where we are is that we’re stuck in one gear. When you’re stuck in gear, it’s hard to accelerate toward your stated goals. If you have an idea to energize the Jewish community, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Opening the Federation | June 6 at 4:00 PM
The Federation plans to open this June with warmer summer weather and more people becoming vaccinated. We are excited to invite the community to our Federation campus to enjoy the first performance in our Summer Concert Series featuring the South Bend Symphony Orchestra To Go woodwind quintet Sunday, June 6 at 4:00 PM. We ask that all guests, volunteers, and staff practice COVID-19 safety protocols, including universal face covering and physical distancing, to help mitigate the risks of spreading COVID-19. See page 3 for program details.

Calling All Bubbes and Zaydes!
Are you a grandmother or grandfather? If you have grandkids visiting this summer, we have the perfect summer plan to enhance their visit -- CAMP IDEAL! Our highest priority is to create and maintain a healthy and safe environment for everyone. When you enroll your child at Camp Ideal, you entrust us with your grandchild’s safety and well-being, and in return, we weave Jewish values, culture, learning, and fun into the fabric of camp. Camp runs for six weeks throughout June and July. Create your customized camp schedule by picking specific weeks or enrolling your camper for one or both three-week sessions. For more information, go to the Camp Ideal website at or call us at 574-233-1164.

Are you a Visual Thinker?
If so, please send me your sketch of how you visualize our Jewish ecosystem in Michiana by email or by mail at 3202 Shalom Way. South Bend, IN 46615. Sketches on back of a napkin or computer designed schematics are welcomed. To the right you can see what I visualize when I think of Jewish Michiana.

My Year 2 Goal: Let’s Develop a Community Plan  
In Year 1, I listened; In Year 2, I aim to develop an aspirational community plan.

Building our Road map will be a vital initiative of the Federation in coordination with the entire Jewish community. The promise of our bright and re-imagined future starts with you!

If my year two goals to re-imagine our future gain community traction, I envision a Hineini Working Group (Here I am). Through community survey feedback, parlor meetings, and town halls, this group will identify the dreams that our community wants to turn into realities. The Hineini group will turn data into information and information into actionable ideas that build on our core values, skills, and strengths.

As we ramp up our planning please reach out with any suggestions or concerns.

Summer Concert Series

Join us at the Jewish Federation at 4:00 PM on June 6 for a fun afternoon of music and libations with the South Bend Symphony. All are welcome at this fun outdoor event while maintain social distance and enjoy live music from the South bend Symphony.

Gates open at 3:30 PM, concert begins promptly at 4:00 PM.
Beverages will be available for purchase.

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