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The office of the Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley will be closed Thursday, Oct. 24 and Friday, Oct. 25 for Shmini Atzeret & Simchat Torah.

September 2021 Our Community News

Minute with Moshe

Shalom Haverim!

The Hebrew month of Elul begins today as I write this article. It’s traditionally a time of spiritual preparation before the upcoming High Holidays. We are given a fresh opportunity to shape our narrative, reflect on the past year and prepare for the new year ahead with prayer, hope, introspection, and reflection.
Embarking on our transformative journey to become the “Best Little Jewish Town in America,” we need to embrace our fragility, ask for clarity, and commit to change.

My experience in creating healthy communities is informed by the sage wisdom of my father. “Moshe,” he would say, “you have to give the process the dignity it deserves.” This dignity of the process invites everyone to participate, everyone to contribute their unique vision.
A famous Hasidic story relates that the disciples of a famous Rebbe, as they walked home in the evening, were in the habit of mentally reviewing the material that they had learned that day with the Master. Wonder of wonders, each student gave a unique account of the day’s lessons. No two students presented the same summary; each was special and irreplaceable.

“As long as the candle is still burning, it is still possible to accomplish and to mend.”
—Rabbi Yisrael Salanter

I like to think of the call of the Shofar in the same light. Each one of us hears a different shofar. Some hear the cry, some hear the sigh, some hear the clarion call, and some hear it all.

For me, the important thing is that we hear each other. The Hineni Group, a new forum composed of community leaders, is the place where we will make every effort to hear and understand each other to grow, enrich, and strengthen our community in the New Year.
Separately, if you have something to add to the greater story I invite you to complete our community survey. This in depth survey explores both our community’s current and future needs. Visit to participate!

We cannot build a better community without listening to the needs of the community. We need the community to take these opportunities to make themselves heard. Like the mighty shofar, let your voice be heard!

May you and your families all be blessed with sweetness and health, and may we all be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life.

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